10 Cool #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter

  1. How many of like this electeifying dialogue.. Dai yenga annan velayudham vanthutaaru da #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  2. If the movie released on time it would have been just another BB for Vijay but now Thalaivaa has become an emotion #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  3. Congratulations vijay fans. Proud moment. Trending worldwide. #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat and I am one of them. Cheerss.. 🙂
  4. 1-VIJAY 2-SRK 3-Sallu 4-MB Twitter battle #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat thalapathy rocks
  5. Many of my friends in north india likes vijay and his hindi dubbed movies. They say, he is pure MASS. Proud 🙂 #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  6. One Epic Battle in Twitter : Vijay fans vs SRK fans vs Salman fans vs MB fans. And VIJAY FANS tops the TREND LIST #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  7. Sun tv boycotted vijay movie after sura, Same sun tv got Thalaivaa satellite rights for whopping amount #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  8. Thalaivaa not just a Movie. An emotion, Anger and Anguish that everyone Had in depth of their HEARTS. #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat
  9. #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat Yes Waiting For Ur Diwali Release..Just Destroyed HNY In South 😀
  10. The day we came to know the fear of politicians and other actor fans on #Vijay anna’s mass and fan following #VIJAY_ThalaivaaUAreGreat


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.)


By Amit B


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