10 “Corporate” Memes, Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Don’t Want To


Corporate is the most common form of business organization which is given many rights as a separate entity from its owners. Corporate is a form of business which has limited liability of its owners, issuance of shares of easily transferable stock, and exists as a going concern. A business corporation is a for-profit firm that is incorporated or registered under the company law of a state. 4 Important Characteristics of a modern business corporation is – separate legal personality, limited liability of the shareholders, shares trading on stock exchange, delegated management. Company boards are appointed as representatives of both shareholders and employees.

Check out our amazing collection of 10 “Corporate” Memes, Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Don’t Want To:

1) The below are 4 valid reasons as to why drinking should be allowed at work. If you use them wisely, you may even be able to convince your boss into allowing alcohol. Share with your HR 

1. It’s an incentive to show up.

2. It reduces stress.

3. It leads to more honest communications.

4. It helps save on heating costs in the winter.


2) Meeting Humor Tip : Nod continuously while pretending to take notes

What to do: Always bring a notepad with you. Your rejection of technology will be revered. Take notes by simply writing down one word from every sentence that you hear. Nod continuously while doing so. If someone asks you if you’re taking notes, quickly say that these are your own personal notes and that someone else should really be keeping a record of the meeting. Bravo compadre. You’ve saved your ass, and you’ve gotten out of doing any extra work. Or any work at all, if you’re truly succeeding.


3) After all the stories of ghosts zombies vampires mummies graveyards hell n what not… you grow up to discover that the worst nightmare of a man could have a few well suited men n a boardroom…


4) You are an employee when…

You know the art of acting busy while doing nothing 


5) The 3 biggest Corporate Lies:

1) We have an entrepreneurial spirit here.
2) People are our greatest resource.
3) We value employees opinion.

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