10 Cute, Smart And Unique Pickup Lines




Like someone but can’t think of some unique pick up lines ?! No worries here are some cute, flattering and sort of cheezy pick up lines to impress a girl/guy or can be used by couples in relationships too !!

  1. Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
  2. Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.
  3. Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
  4. I’m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
  5. They say dating is a numbers game… so can I get your number?
  6. I thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U ?
  7. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
  8. I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I wouldn’t forget a pretty face like that.
  9. I will stop loving you when an apple grows from a mango tree on the 30th of February.
  10. Can I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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