10 Excuses for being late to a class


Being late to a class is an integral part of any student’s academic life. All of us have been late for a lecture atleast once in our lives. Here are some great excuses which you can give for being late. (P.S. It doesn’t mean I have used these excuses for my professors. Well, atleast not all of them! )

  1. Locals are the lifeline of Mumbai. They have the power to grind Mumbai to a halt. We all know how punctual (or not so punctual) they are. We all have blamed the locals for being late atleast once in our lives. “Ma’am, the trains were late!”
  2. More than 1000 cars come out of the showrooms on the streets of Mumbai everyday! Imagine the increasing traffic! This excuse works even if we might be living just a kilometer or two away from our college.
  3. Rikshawallas! We all know how obedient and friendly they are! You ask them to take you to any part of Mumbai, and how readily do they agree! Lol. “I wasn’t getting a rikshaw, Ma’am!”
  4. Another excuse which can help you is, “Sir, I was preparing the presentation which we are supposed to present next month. I slept at 2 and hence got up late.” This can also make your professor believe how hard working and dedicated you are (Even if you aren’t in reality).
  5. Pass the buck to your friend. Tell the professor that you were waiting for him!
  6. Tell that the watchman wasn’t allowing you to enter because you forgot your ID Card. (Though this may backfire on you when you find the professor scolding you for the same!)
  7. Lie that you had terrible headache when you got up in the morning. Still you came to college.
  8. Tell that you were helping your mom in some work. You will be an apple to the eye of all your female professors and will surely be the talk of the staffroom!
  9. Lie that you were very hungry and hadn’t eaten anything since morning. So you were in the canteen to grab a quick bite!
  10. You can also say that the rickshaw in which you were coming got punctured halfway and hence you were stuck up in the middle of the road!

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Hoshang Pathak
A big Hello to everyone out there! This is Hoshang. An 18 Year old BMS student from K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce. I would describe myself as fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, optimistic, ambitious, hard working, goal oriented blah blah blah and the list continues.. My biggest ambition in life is to make it big in the corporate world and be a successful person altogether. I am an avid reader and a keen follower of Politics. If given a chance, I would like to see myself as a catalyst in India's growth in the real sense and work for the under privileged children of our country. That's it for now. Until then, Take Good Care of Yourself! :)