10 Facts You May Not Know About ‘Mario Cuomo’


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Mario Matthew Cuomo was an American politician and member of the Democratic Party. Mario Cuomo served as the 52nd Governor of New York for three terms, from 1983 to 1994 Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1979 to 1982 and Secretary of State of New York from 1975 to 1978.

Here are 10 facts about Mario Cuomo you must know:

1. Mario Cuomo was known for his liberal views and public speeches, particularly his keynote speech at the 1984 Democratic National Convention. 

2. In the speech Mario Cuomo criticized Ronald Reagan’s policies.This speech brought him to national attention. He was then widely considered a front-runner for the Democratic nomination for President in both 1988 and 1992 but he declined to seek the nomination in both instances.

3rd Annual Elly Awards Luncheon

3. Mario Cuomo was married for more than fifty years to his wife Matilda. They have five children including Andrew, Maria, Margaret, Madeline, and Christopher.

4. Andrew Cuomo is the current Governor of New York and Chris Cuomo is a journalist currently at CNN.

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5. On January 1, 2015, Mario Cuomo died in his home in Manhattan New York because of heart failure only hours after his son Andrew Cuomo was sworn in to a second term as Governor of New York State.

6. Mario Cuomo had a recent history of heart condition problems which contributed to his death at the age of 82.

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7. Mario Cuomo was a baseball player. While attending St. John’s University in 1952 he signed as an outfielder with the Pittsburgh Pirates.

8. Mario Cuomo was an avid player of fantasy baseball. He always had an Italian player on his team.

Mario Cuomo, Three-Term New York Governor, Dies at 82

9. In 1994 Mario Cuomo was featured several times on the Ken Burns PBS series Baseball where he shared personal memories of his life in baseball before he entered politics.

10. Mario Cuomo was the author of Why Lincoln Matters published in 2004 and he was also a co-editor of Lincoln on Democracy an anthology of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches.

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