10 Fun Facts About Mumbai Local Trains


mumbai train


  1. Every year more than 2 billion people travel from Mumbai Local Trains, That’s less than half of the world’s population which is around 6 billion.
  1. Daily more than 7 million passengers travel through Mumbai Local; this is more than the population of 140 countries.
  1. You can travel 200 kms for only 30 rupees.
  1. The service of train is unavailable for only 4 hours at midnight else one can catch a train anytime.
  1. Getting into a train and getting a window seat during peak hours is like winning a battle.
  1. Mumbaikars have a unique species of friends, known as ‘train friends’.
  1. Getting in an empty bogie during peak hours would confuse and person and he might think he is in the First Class.
  1. Catching a Virar local by a Borivali passenger would be regarded as a ‘crime’.
  1. When the train is jammed pack, people wish they could sit but when the train is full empty, people want to just stand at the door.
  2. ‘Train was late’ is the biggest excuse for college and office going people.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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