10 Funny Audit Jokes, Auditing One Liners, Internal Auditor Humor That’ll Kill You with Laughter


auditing joke


1) Joke: How many auditors does it take to change a light bulb?
How many did it take last year?

2) Joke: How many internal auditors does it take to change a light bulb?
None! They’re not allowed to under Health & Safety legislation. Process notes should have been written referring the incident to Facilities.

3) Joke: Why did the auditors cross the road?
Because they looked in the file and that’s what they did last year.

4) Joke: What’s the worst thing a group of young auditors can do?
Go into town and gang-audit a client.

5) Joke: Did you hear about the work shy internal auditor who ran out of sick days so he called in dead???

6) Joke: Which clients do short auditors like best?
Small businessmen.

7) Joke: What did the auditor say at the vampire stocktake??
Count Dracula.

8) Joke: Definition of an Auditor:
An accountant with an opinion.

9) Joke: What do you call an auditor who can’t audit?

An or.

10) Joke: Did you hear about the cannibal Audit practice?
They charge an arm and a leg.

11) Joke: What did the internal auditor do to liven up the office party?

He didn’t show up.

By Amit B

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