10 Funny #IndvsSL Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


India vs Sri Lanka

1) Should India groom another captain in addition to Virat Kohli? Start today, Rahane or Rohit could captain the Sri Lankan side.

2) Rohit have just avg of 30 in between these two double hundered

3) Rahane would be better in Aus then inconsistent rohit

4) Remember It was MS Dhoni one who promoted Rohit Sharma as opening batsman in 2010 WT20 & Rest all history….

5) Hopefully technically it would be all over in so that the bookies are up to giving odds for the game between which is next

6) Hoping this match gets over b4 1:30 and I wont have to juggle between Star Sports 1 and 2. 😛 Too much cricket is gud 😉

7) Sources say that India will ask Ravindra Jadeja to open – so that he can get his 300.

8) Best of Luck SriLanka..Hope u are ready to face India again.. We need a challenge 😛

9) Why does Shikar Dhawan get selected automatically as opener? Is he good enough outside the sub continent?
10) India’s lineup for today’s match should be + 10 bowlers.

(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from social media websites. We do not endorse/ support the above opinions) 


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