10 Funny #RahulWakesUp Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. I’m changing my last name to Gandhi and getting into Politics
  2. , drinks water, and goes back to sleep.
  3. Must be the first time that a fake Gandhi is inside the well himself. Till now they were throwing others in the well.
  4. Only one man’s voice counts, says the man in whose party only one family counts.
  5.   no ji he was actually very very hungry he went into WELL to check whether any food stuff available there???
  6. ji if u find time away from dozing in parliment/watching chota bheem & speak for a change then ur voice might be heard!
  7. & finds Modi as PM. This is clearly not what Santa clause promised!
  8. Dumbo Rahul Gandhi Next time make sure Congress got just 4 Seats in Parliament & then Blame speaker for not giving you Time
  9. Oh!How silly of BJP to not let Rahul ji speak. Let him speak so that whatsoever doubt of he being an Intellectual be clarified
  10. Rahul Gandhi meets an upset LK Advani, gets advice from him in Parliament; Advani upset with House proceedings

By Ravi Agnihotri

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