10 Funny ‘TNN-Sagarika’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter

  1. TNN-Sagarika havent tasted the Islam Terror! Let every get Muslim Husband so that they can know Why Islam is Hated everywhere!
  2. Chill folks, Sagarika and Arnab can not sit beside each-other ever! No one wants to sit on the RIGHT of other… TNN-Sagarika
  3. Rename Times Now 2 Taqiyaa Now with overdose of pseudos!:)RT : राम बनाये जोड़ी। “: Arnab has a new ally in TNN-Sagarika
  4. TNN-Sagarika . Chutiyas r happy trolling a woman . Sick people. Let that lady work peacefully yaar . Chill
  5. Nationalist..Take a stand Say no to those who sponsor Anti-Nationalist Economically bleed them dry TNN-Sagarika
  6. By TNN-Sagarika, Sonia hikes her stake via FDI. SIT slueths need go to Times House, time waste in Switzerland.
  7. 2 morons Arnab and are R like 2 big holes in TNN Titanic.Sooner or later, destined to drown.Arnab has head-start.TNN-Sagarika
  8.  TNN-Sagarika.. From Now should be called @GREENTIMESNOW to prove there SECULAR Credentials.
  9. India’s press under seige. Modi govt working its way to shut Times now. Sent Sagarika on his mission. TNN-Sagarika
  10. TNN-Sagarika next Paki agent Burkha Dutt? so hereafter will have Old Aged sleeveless Aunty with Arnabudin as secular debate?


By Ravi Agnihotri

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