10 Funny #XiaomiMi3 Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. While was promoting & creating a fake sale for cheap Chinese Xiaomi Mi3; offered iPhone 5S at unbelievable price of 40K.
  2.  Successfully ordered Xiaomi Mi3 for a friend. Took 1 second to add to cart & 45 minutes to process payment 
  3. There are still things that money cant buy, Xiaomi Mi3 is surely one of them in India.
  4. Today felt like booking tatkal ticket on IRCTC Website when I was purchasing Xiaomi MI3 on . Out of stock as soon as window opened
  5.  WTF! Sold out in few seconds again!!! on Flipkart, third time in a month.
  6. It looks like is just looking at being in the headlines with their farcical Mi3 sale. Sold out again, in secs apparently
  7. There are people buying Xiaomi Mi3 and selling it on a premium on OLX and Quikr? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  8. Buying a Xiaomi Mi3 is turning out to be a Mi= mission impossible task!

  9. What’s the hype with selling 15000 pieces only for few seconds. Click Buy n it vanishes off. China is trying to act smart with Xiaomi Mi3

  10. So Flipkart saying they sold 10400 Xiaomi Mi3 mobile phones in 5 seconds? No ullu banoing




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