10 Harsh Truths Of Life We Realize When We Grow Up


Harsh Truths Of Life



We humans love a live a life filled with illusions of what we want from life and not what life wants to give us. We fail to accept the fact that life is a never is going to be sweet to us all the time, it has its up and downs. There will be times when you will have to accept the expected be it whether you like it or not. Here are few harsh truths of life which may be hard to bear.  

  1. The world does not revolve around you. In our younger days the world we live in was as small as we were, everything revolved around us, our parents took care of us, had limited responsibilities, no more worries just fun. But when we grew up the world grew along with us, that’s the time we realise it’s not always going to be about me. Things are not going to happen the way I want it to be.
  2. Going to lose a lot of people. In the journey of life there will be many people who will leave your way as you move forward. You do not need to be disheartened, life is meant to be that way, there will people who live you while some others will be with you throughout your journey of life, it’s up to you to realise who is willing to stand by you.
  3. You will probably have to face things alone. This is the worst truth but a fact that you have come into this world alone and you will leave alone. People will come and go it is you probably standing alone throughout to face trials of life all by yourself.
  4. Whom you love may not love you back. There will be times when the people you love wont love you back, may be they are not in your destiny or you do not deserve that person. There will be someone way better for you than them, the best thing you could do is move on and let the best come to you.
  5. Most will be pretenders. No matter how beautiful the world is on the outside it is simply even crueler on the inside. People will be there standing by you but most of them will be pretenders who will all the while just pretend to be there for you.
  6. There will be someone better than you. This is the rule of life there will always be someone above you that does not mean they are more capable than you it’s just that you didn’t try hard enough to reach where they are.
  7. You may land up where you did not wish to be. There will be times when you will regret for the decisions you took about your life, may be because of your own foolishness or because you gave more importance to others words. We at times give the strings of our lives in others hand to mould it the way they want it to be which is why we end up where we do not see ourselves.
  8. The people you called your own will leave you. This is heartbreaking but the truth is there will a time when the people who were dear to you who loved you and on whom you had your whole trust may leave you on your own. That does not mean you stop loving people, you have to move on no matter you’re alone or not.
  9. You might fall a number of times. You cannot win the race all the time, at some point you may have to lose in order to realize that life knocks you down to raise yourself even more higher.
  10. You cannot go back to what’s over. Life ever gives a second chance to anyone to relive their life all over again. Once lost is lost forever, you cannot go back to what is done and gone.


Understand that people change and sometimes they no longer going to be with you we just have to accept it and move on with the hope of having a better life in future. It is rightly said “A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are”.

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Daisy Pais


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