10 Hilarious “Exams” Jokes, Memes, Trolls That Will Make You Laugh Until Your Jaws Hurt


An exam or examination is just to test the abilities, knowledge of someone at something. Students who participate in the examinations are known as “candidates”. Examiner is the person who is an expert in a particular field and decides  and evaluates the performance of the students. Exams can be written, oral, online or practicals. Candidates are marked as successful or unsuccessful based on the performance in the exams. Candidates who pass in the exams get a certificate or degree or diploma which are considered as professional qualifications helping the candidates to perform a particular task/ job. Candidates who fail in the exams will have to take the exam again.

Check out our amazing collection of 10 Hilarious “Exams” Jokes, Memes, Trolls That Will Make You Laugh Until Your Jaws Hurt:

1) Know What It Feels Like While Xams?

Tick Tock
Mind Block
Pen Stop
Eyes Up
Time Shock
Jaw Drop
No Luck
Time’s Up
Xams Suck
Still Good Luck


2) The Funniest And
Highly Impossible Message
A Student Can Ever Send
I Finished Studies. Did You?


3) It takes 15 trees to
produce the amount
of paper that we
use to write one exam.
join us in promoting the noble
cause of saving trees.


4) Exams are like Girl friends
– Too many questions
– Difficult to understand
– More explanation is needed
– Result is always fail!

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