10 Hilarious Jackky Bhagnani’s Youngistaan Jokes, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


Jackky Bhagnani's Youngistaan

Jackky Bhagnani is a Bollywood movie actor who made his acting debut in 2009 with Kal Kissne Dekha. Jackky Bhagnani is the son of Hindi film producer Vashu Bhagnani. His recent movie Youngistaan received rave reviews and also got nominated for Oscars in the best foreign language film category. He will be next seen in the upcoming Bollywood movie “Mumbai Police”.

Here we present 10 Hilarious Jackky Bhagnani’s Youngistaan Jokes, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages

  1. Calm down, Youngistaan is nominated for Oscars in “The kind of movie one should never make” category.
  2. I didn’t even know that Youngistaan is a movie.
  3. I have heard about Youngistaan only in Pepsi ads.. when did a movie came out with that name!!!
  4. #Youngistaan is not the correct choice..we had #Humshakals #ActionJackson and #Kaanchi also in 2014 ! Not Fair Jury..I want justice !!!! 
  5. Youngistan has been selected for the Oscars. Meanwhile, Christopher Nolan is worried that Sajid Khan may win Oscar for Humshakals.
  6. Ram Gopal Varma must write astrongly worded letter to the oscars after rejecting his ‘Aag’ and accepting ‘Youngistaan’ years later.
  7. Whats next Tushar kapoor for best actor? Surely god is trolling
  8. Jacky Bhagani thinking of getting Oscar One day.. like Rahul Gandhi Thinks of becoming PM One day #Youngistaan
  9. Jackky Bhagnaani’s Youngistaan is not India’s Official Entry for Oscar. It is Private entry. Let Jury watch. Why should only Indians Suffer
  10. Youngistaan is going to Oscars to teach everyone in Hollywood – Do NOT push your child towards acting. It can be disastrous.

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