10 Hilarious ‘Modi On Aaj Tak’ Status Trending on Facebook, Twitter





  1. I feel national news channels dnt evn hav ground reporters in assam.No news at all.Or dey all r busy following modi and rahul?
  2. Every Tom , Dick & Harry from News Traders community are dreaming to interview Narendra Modi taking jibe on journos for
  3. Shri NaMo has the guts to boycott news traders like Rajdeep, Barkha and Arnab. Small channels get interviews from Modi.
  4. Sonia Gandhi is great at math. She divides the country, subtracts jobs, adds debt and multiplies misery.
  5. Expected some homework from journos who i/w Modi. Ask the right Qs, instead of seeking ans on this & that statement of others.
  6. We have not come into politics with Badle ki Bhavna but we have come with Badlav Ki Bhavna: Narendra Modi
  7. toyed with the Interviewers. Told them clearly not to misinterpret him. And told them to remember they were talking to Modi!
  8. The greatest joke of the year …. Modi is responsible for Assam where congress is in power both in state and centre ..
  9. This election s nt jst india’s elction, bt this time the World knos if wil come India wil emerge as th supreme power
  10. First interview I saw where interviewer was exposed by the person being interviewed


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