10 Hilarious “Ph.D.” Memes, Trolls That Will Make You Laugh On Bad Days


PhD is abbreviation of Doctor of Philosophy. PhD varies according to the country, institution, and time period from entry-level research degrees to higher doctorates. The candidate who attains a doctorate of philosophy is awarded the academic title of Doctor. In India, a Masters degree is required to gain admission to a doctoral program. In the IITs and NITs, direct admission to a PhD programme after bachelors is offered. In few subjects, doing a Masters in Philosophy (M. Phil) is a prerequisite to start a PhD program. It is essential to quality for the National Eligibility Test for funding / fellowship. Recently there are many changes in the rules relating to PhD in India. According to the new rules, most universities conduct entrance exams in general ability and selected subject. The shortlisted candidates need to appear for an interview after passing in these exams. Students are required to give presentations of the research proposal at the beginning, submit progress reports, give a pre-submission presentation and finally defend the thesis in an open defence viva-voce.

Check out our amazing collection of 10 Hilarious “Ph.D.” Memes, Trolls That Will Make You Laugh On Bad Days:

Joke1: The Best Explanation for marketing!!! What do u say ?
“A Professor explained Marketing to MBA students

  • You see gorgeous girl in party, you go to her & say I am rich marry me That’s Direct Marketing.
  • You attend party & your friend goes to a girl & pointing at you tells her. He’ is very rich, marry him – That’s Advertising.
  • Girl walks to you & says u are rich, ca…n u marry me? “That’s Brand Recognition”
  • You say I m very rich marry me & she slaps u “That’s Customer Feedback”
  • You say I m very rich marry me & she introduces you to her husband “That’s Demand & Supply Gap”
  • Before you say I m rich, marry me, your wife arrives That’s Restriction from Entering New Market. ♥ “

Joke2: Your friends and family can use your degree against you any time you screw up:  “He has a PhD but he can’t even figure out how to program the remote control!”.

Joke3: You can earn a decent salary in a non-research job, but still be considered a failure by your academic peers because you don’t “publish”.

Joke4: Senior PhD’s will treat you like a junior employee, even though you’re in your 40′s with 10 years work experience.

Joke5: Technicians and blue-collar workers look at you with mistrust, and avoid sitting with you at lunch.

Joke6: The guy with the Grade Nine education who started working at the plant at age 18 will have his house paid off before you even qualify for a mortgage.

Joke7: You’re still treated like an idiot.   Especially by resentful managers who have less education than you do, who feel they need to prove some kind of point.

Joke8: It’s the only degree that’s sometimes better left unmentionned.   Especially if you’re applying for non-PhD jobs.

Joke9: You’re well into your 30′s, before you start making the same money as those silly bachelor degrees who started working full-time at age 23.

Joke10: The only person who calls you “Doctor” is the 20-year phoning you up from your old alma mater, asking you to donate money to their latest fundraising drive.

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