10 Hilarious ‘So NCP’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. So NCP ‘The National Corrupt Party’ has become NSP ‘The National Support Party’ Mr. Praful Patel must be smiling like Cheshire Cat!
  2. If BJP is a NATIONALIST Party, So NCP is really a NATIONALIST CONGRESS PARTY. It is sometimes pro-BJP & sometimes pro-Cong 🙂 #BJPWedsNCP
  3. So NCP are like those hot girls which BJP cannot take their eyes off even after getting married. #BJPWedsNCP
  4. So NCP and BJP has updated their relationship status as Complicated on Facebook. #BJPWedsNCP
  5. A frog in the well knows nothing of the ocean. So NCP will play like a guide to the new #BJP Government in #Maharashtra.
  6. So NCP is like Mumbai Traffic for BJP…unwanted but unavoidable
  7. So NCP is N.Srinivasan of Indian politics…. Corrupt as hell, shameless to core, but loves to be power..
  8. So NCP won’t have problem in changing name from NCP to NJP if #BJP asks for. NCP is shame to #Maharashtra
  9. So NCP has now made Bhartiya Janata Congress or Rashtrawadi Jana Party?
  10. “Throttling of Democracy” says Shiv Sena BJP won the vote,So NCP is real winner.

(P.S. The above messages are taken from Twitter and posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the above tweets / status)

 So NCP 1




(P.S. The above messages are taken from Twitter and posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the above tweets / status)

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