10 Inspirational Quotes Of ‘Mukesh Ambani’ To Lift You Up When Life Is Hard


Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani is an Indian business magnate who is the Chairman, Managing Director and largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited, a Fortune Global 500 company and India’s second most valuable company by market value. He is a Chemical Engineer from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (earlier University Department of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai). He has pursued MBA from Stanford University, USA. Mukesh Ambani has joined Reliance in 1981. He initiated Reliance’s backward integration journey from textiles into polyester fibres and further into petrochemicals, petroleum refining and going upstream into oil and gas exploration and production. He created several new world class manufacturing facilities involving diverse technologies that have raised Reliance’s petrochemicals manufacturing capacities from less than a million tonnes to about fourteen million tonnes per year. He is envisaging doubling these capacities to twenty seven million tonnes per annum within a short span.



Quotes of Mukesh Ambani :

1. I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.

Mukesh Ambani

2. China and India will, separately and together, unleash an explosion of demand.

Mukesh Ambani

3. All of us, in a sense, struggle continuously all the time, because we never get what we want. The important thing which I’ve really learned is how do you not give up, because you never succeed in the first attempt.

Mukesh Ambani

4. My big advantage was to have my father accept me as first-generation.

Mukesh Ambani

5. I don’t think that ambition should not be in the dictionary of entrepreneurs. But our ambition should be realistic. You have to realise that you can’t do everything.

Mukesh Ambani

6. Essentially, whoever is successful, whoever is going to do things that make a difference, is going to be talked about.

Mukesh Ambani

7. I personally think that money can do very little. And this has been my experience all across.

Mukesh Ambani

8. You have to manage money. Particularly with market economies. You may have a great product, but if your bottom line goes bust, then that’s it.

Mukesh Ambani

9. Everybody has equal opportunity, and I think that is true for everything.

Mukesh Ambani

10. The organizational architecture is really that a centipede walks on hundred legs and one or two don’t count. So if I lose one or two legs, the process will go on, the organization will go on, the growth will go on.

Mukesh Ambani

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