10 Inspiring SMS And Wallpapers of Happy Republic Day 2015

  1. May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country.. My best wishes to you on republic day.
  2. On this special day, lets promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure happy republic day.
  3. Our Life is Full of Colors …..I Hope This 26th January Will Add More Colors Into Your Life.Happy Republic Day..
  4. Here I Am Wishing, Our Dreams Of A New Tomorrow Come True, For Us..…Now And Always! Happy Republic Day..
  5. On this day think of our past and Try to built better future for all of us.. It is a duty of all of us!! I am proud to be an Indian. Happy Republic Day .
  6. On the Republic Day Let’s carry on ritually remembering each other and greet on occasions, on anniversaries; let’s carry on to count years, add on the numbers, for the delight of managers of our affairs; let’s hope for the magic wand to work miracles by the turn of the endless night.
  7. Constitution Gave us Faith, freedom , Peace an Pride. So Let’s Value the Day it was created And Wish Happy Republic day with a smile.
  8. Being A Republic Nation You have… Freedom in Mind, .. Faith in Words, .. Pride in our Heart, .. Memories in our Souls. .. Lets Salute the Nation on The REPUBLIC DAY 2015 !
  9. Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India. HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY.
  10. Expansion of INDIA I – INDIAN N – NOT D – DELAY I – IN A – ACTION Happy Republic Day.

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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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