10 Interesting Facts of ‘Delhi Development Authority’ That You Likely Didn’t Know


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1) Delhi Development Authority was formed in 1955 to promote and secure the development of Delhi under the Delhi Development Act.

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2) In 1911, the British shifted the government activities from Kolkata to Delhi and set up New Delhi in 1912.

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3) The first authority to regulate the planned development of Delhi was set up in 1922 which consisted of 10-12 officials.

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4) In 1937, the Nazul office was upgraded to an Improvement Trust in order to control building operations and regulate land usage.

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5) After 1950s, the Delhi Improvement Trust and Municipal Body was not upgraded to check the rapid growth of the city and hence a Single Planning and Controlling Authority for all the urban areas of Delhi was formed.

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6) In 1957, Delhi Development Authority started its operations as the 9th builder of the grand city of Delhi.

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7) DDA is involved in activities like construction work, preparation for 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, Games Village on banks of the river Yamuna in East Delhi.

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8) Delhi Development Authority of India is responsible for a well-planned and swift development of Delhi city in true sense.

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9) DDA also has attracted large number of immigrants from neighbouring cities and states to provide an accommodating atmosphere to everyone.

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10) Popular DDA schemes include : New Pattern Registration Scheme, Janta Housing Registration Scheme, Ambedkar Awas Yojana, etc.

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