10 Interesting #IndianArmyRocks Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


Indian army reached across Myanmar border and Nagaland and attacked the separatist forces in their hideouts. “While ensuring peace and tranquility along the border and in the border states, any threat to our security, safety and national integrity will meet a firm response,” the Army declared officially. On explaining the Modi Government’s stance on attacking the terrorists, a senior official told media “You cannot realistically hope to prevent each terror attack because the timing and the target is determined by the enemy. But how do you respond is your prerogative. And it is the response which defines your determination to use all responses at your disposal to strike at those responsible.” 

Here we present 10 Interesting #IndianArmyRocks Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter:

  1. When life gives you a IIT admission , become a MANOHAR PARRIKAR, not an ARVIND KEJRIWAL #INDIANARMYROCKS
  2. #INDIANARMYROCKS Given a free hand the Indian army is capable of teaching appropriate lessons to terrorists. Hands tied during congress rule
  3. It is important that we remember the real hero is not a 26 year old with a bat or a movie deal, it is the man on the border #INDIANARMYROCKS
  4. Because once in a while we should remember the men and women who keep us safe amongst the craziest bunch of neighbors! #INDIANARMYROCKS
  5. Being a #Soldier is more than courage,its sacrificing yourself for something greater than yourself! #INDIANARMYROCKS
  6. Did any big leaders of AAP or Congress appreciated Indian Army for the success?? Intentions you see… #IndianArmyRocks
  7. #INDIANARMYROCKS I salute army men for rightfully avenging the manipur terrorist attack.Thx to courageous leadership
  8. #INDIANARMYROCKS Of course they do! There was never any doubt!! The only difference is that the tigers are not caged anymore.
  9. The soldier is the true hero! Not because he is never afraid. But because he places his nation and people above self. #INDIANARMYROCKS
  10. Militant attacks – Before 2014 ~ We strongly Condemned After 2014~ We strongly Acted #Indianarmyrocks


Indian Army Rocks Photos  (1)


Indian Army Rocks Photos  (3) Indian Army Rocks Photos  (4) Indian Army Rocks Photos  (5) Indian Army Rocks Photos  (6)


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