10 Interesting Reasons To Say GoodBye To Unpaid Internships



Internships are a valuable opportunity to gain work experience. Now, if the internship is unpaid, is it worth doing?

Here are 10 reasons to say goodbye to unpaid internships:

1)      The purpose and expectations of your unpaid internship is not clearly mentioned from the start.

2)      There is no scope in improving your skills and insights into a particular industry.

3)      There are no mentors or supervisors to conduct a formal performance review and evaluate your achievements.

4)      There are expectations from your employer to gain immediate advantage from your work.

5)      The internship benefits the employer more than you.

6)      The internship requires you to work for more than 40 hours a week.

7)      The unpaid internship doesn’t provide you any educational and corporate experience.

8)      Majority of the tasks in your unpaid internship are not related to the mentioned job profile.

9)      The unpaid internship puts you in bad financial situation causing stress to invest energy in professional development or even finding a job.

10)  The unpaid internship doesn’t lead to a job offer with the current employer or helps you to apply for paid positions in other firms. 

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