10 Interesting Things I Wish I Knew Before Going To BMS Exams



Here are 10 things I didn’t know before I went through the BMS exams. Maybe even you may not have known! Check out to find:

1)      That it doesn’t matter how awesome my internal exam score/marks were.

2)      That I cannot study the whole syllabus 1 day before the exams.

3)      That I shouldn’t rely completely on important question banks.

4)      That the low BMS passing rate does NOT include people who didn’t show up.

5)      That the security in the exam centre will be impressive and tight.

6)      That I should expect atleast 1 or 2 errors on the question paper.

7)      That the door to the exam hall closes a LOT more earlier than you think.

8)      That I shouldn’t expect grace marks for every subject to pass.

9)      That you have to spend 20 minutes of your examination in circling the answer sheets.

10)   That  no matter you don’t know the answers to theory questions, you still can write interesting stories and entertain the examiner.

Do you have any other things you wish you knew before appearing for BMS exams? Share them with us here!


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