10 Interestingly Awesome Sweets Facts You Probably Don’t Know


eat sweets

Positive Sweets Facts:


1) Did you know that having sweet foods in the morning can help you loose weight?

Reason: Our metabolism is most active in the mornings which can burn off the calories throughout the day.


2) Did you know regularly eating sweets decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39%?

Reason: Sweets contain antioxidant flavonoids.


3) Did you know eating sweets can enhance mood and increase your longetivity?

Reason : Sweets act as antidepressants and also can reduce oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholestrol enhancing immune function.


4) Did you know that sweets can protect your body from disease, reduce risk of chronic illnesses, clogged arteries, high cholestrol, high blood pressure and hormonal imbalances?

Reason: Consuming antioxidants in sweets on regular basis can neutralize the molecules that contribute to aging and tissue damage.


5) Did you know that sweets can improve your body’s immunity and reduce your risk of cancer?

Reason: Frozen yogurt (lower in fat) is health-affirming bacteria which prevents gastrointestinal infections and boosts the nutrition.



Negative Sweets Facts:


6) Did you know that eating excess sweets can increase your risk of diabetes?

Reason: High intake of added sugars can promote the condition of diabetes.


7) Did you know that eating excess sweets can encourage tooth decay?

Reason: Sweets contain a harmful acid when they come in contact with plaque on your teeth can promote erosion and permanent damage to your teeth?


8) Did you know that sweets tend to be calorie-dense and inhibit your efforts to shed pounds?

Reason: Sweets lack fiber, a nutrient that promotes satiety and have a significant impact on your sugar levels.


9) Did you know that excess sweets can cause fever, persistent diarrhea and loss of appetite?

Reason: Sweets i.e. sugar and saturated fat are major risk factors of inflammatory diseases. 


10) Did you know that excess sweets can reduce bone strength?

Reason : Sweets can make you more likely to suffer bone fractures and hence limiting your activity.


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