10 #ItTotallyPissesMeOff Rage Tweets That Perfectly Express Your Anger These Days




1) #ItTotallyPissesMeOff When i see #RahulGandhi in #Loksangram Game! It’s FUN to take out my frustration on congress there! #Loksangram2014

2) #ItTotallyPissesMeOff when Delhi media calls #Karnataka as Karnatak

3) People talking to me when I have my headphones on. #ItTotallyPissesMeOff

4) When you tell something expecting a reply and the person doesn’t #ItTotallyPissesMeOff

5) If Priyanka Vadra(Gandhi) is seen is in a Saree …you know it’s election time !! #TVattack #ItTotallyPissesMeOff #WeakestPM

6) #ittotallypissesmeoff when i talk in hindi and girls reply me in english lol

7) The awkward silence between me & my crush, in my dream ofcourse… #ItTotallyPissesMeOff

8) #ItTotallyPissesMeOff to be around Liars…Hypocrites…Backstabbers…Deluders….People without spine!!!

9) *Random Site* *You have to complete a Survey to Download this Software* *Completes Survey* *Status:Not Completed* #ItTotallyPissesMeOff

10) #ItTotallyPissesMeOff when a 2 GB file’s download fails at 99%.

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