10 Key Concepts You Probably Missed Studying In Management


management gyan

Any student can learn management concepts whether they are in their First year or third year as it is the best way to brush up on your basics. This section “Key Concepts” will go through the basic management concepts on regular basis to help you brush your fundamentals. If you missed checking day 5 management concepts, you can check it here.

Here we present 10 Key Concepts You Probably Missed Studying In Management:

  1. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – a software package coordinating enterprise working
  2. Effective – producing results
  3. Efficient – with least possible resource use
  4. Emotional intelligence – Capability involving emotions
  5. Empowerment – authority delegation to those not having it, giving discretionary authority to employees
  6. Ends – what is to be achieved at the end of an activity?
  7. Enlarge – increasing scope of work
  8. Enrich – creating more variety and depth within work
  9. Entrepreneurship – introducing and implementing new avenue and concept of products and services as a business proposition
  10. Equilibrium – balancing equally

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