10 Kickass #HatePolitics Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


#HatePolitics 1

  1. #HatePolitics communalism before the election and secularism after the election is the reality of indian politics
  2. MIM was banned from 1948-57 & ldr Qasim Rizvi(Razakar) jailed-In 1957 he migrated 2 Pak & handed over #BanMIM 2 Abdul Owaisi #HatePolitics
  3. Nitish Rane openly admits of #hatepolitics .. Now this guy has learned a bit of Politics! Nice to see!
  4. Gujartis are great guys. Just because they earn more money & are veggies shouldn’t make one insecure. #hatepolitics
  5. For debate on #Hatepolitics, Arnab needs 2 question Modi, Shah, Adityanath. But they are his political masters, caught poor Rane for 1 tweet
  6. Sanjay Jha’s logic : BJP has Yogi Adityanath and We have Nitesh Rane. #HatePolitics
  7. Sanjay Jha cannot speak against Rahul Gandhi. He will be thrown it : Zafar Sareshwala #HatePolitics
  8. Prime Minister of India was the one who spoke of 5 crore Gujarati & Gujarati Asmitia. Why blame @NiteshNRane only? @JhaSanjay #HatePolitics
  9. Even aft seeing their party’s huge downfall, Nitesh has learnt no lessons. Nxt time voters gonna teach him for his #HatePolitics. Shame
  10. #hatepolitics After gang-rape by @swamy39 Arnab seems to have lost his balance. Won’t his masters arrange for a suitable psychiatrist?
 #HatePolitics 2 #HatePolitics 3

(P.S. The above tweets / status are taken from Twitter and it is posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the same)


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