10 Kickass Hilarious “Delhi University” Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp


Delhi University is also known as “University of Delhi” or “DU”. The university is fully funded by the Government of India. The public central university is located in Delhi, India. The Pro-Chancellor of the university is the Vice President and The President of India is the visitor of India. The university was ranked first in the top 50 Universities by India Today in 2012. About 83 colleges are affiliated to the University of Delhi and there are 2 main campuses i.e. South Campus and North Campus of the university. Notable alumni of Delhi University include Amitabh Bachchan, Anurag Kashyap, Digvijay Singh, Kiran Bedi, Kapil Sibal, Shah Rukh Khan and many more.

Check out amazing collection of 10 Kickass Hilarious “Delhi University” Trolls, Memes, Jokes Trending On WhatsApp here:

  1. Bechaare Sarthak Agarwal ka bhi admission nahi ho payega #DUCutoffs
  2. Pencho- Do any of our Politicians ever scored 98%?? #DUCutoffs
  3. DU cut off at 98%, insane. That’s why the world is at Sharda University 😉 😛 #DUCutoffs
  4. Q-:After Tendulkar who holds the record of most number of nervous nineties dismissals? Ans-: Delhi Students #DUCutoffs
  5. #Stephens #cutoffs out-going by the current trend, soon there will be no guarantee of a seat even if u score a perfect 100. #DU #admissions

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