10 Lesser Known Indian TV Shows That Need to Return



TV is an integral part of Indian people. Most of the women are housewives and TV serials is their entertainment. Every Indian has had a couple of favourite shows which they wish went on for long. These are some shows that will make you nostalgic and you wish they returned.

  1. Hum Paanch

It has been one of the best comedy series of all times ever since it aired in 1995. Every one of us wishes this one show to be back on TV. It had this amazing daughter who opened the doors after finishing one complete song, and for sure you’ll wish it be back.

  1. Buniyaad

This one TV show will be best recognised by people of the 70’s and 80’s. It had been the epitome of “sanskaars” then. Although it re-aired after 27 years of the original air date, I bet it’ll be welcomed once again by the older generation.

  1. Fauji

Shah Rukh Khan’s debut on TV was in Fauji. It was a grand success ever since it started to come on television, and who wouldn’t want to see Shah Rukh Khan back on TV?

  1. Karamchand

Again and old 80’s TV show, surely better than today’s CID. The detective concept, which was new at the time, got this show its popularity.

  1. Yeh jo hai Zindagi

Yeh jo hai zindagi was a great comedy series based on the life of Ranjit Verma (the protagonist). It had 4 of the best comedy actors of all times: Shafi Inamdar, Rakesh Bedi, Satish Shah & Tiku Talsania. For sure, I’d love watching if it re-airs.

  1. Dekh bhai dekh

A perfect combination of a comedy series and a family show. You can still sit with your family and start watching it on YouTube without getting bored.

  1. Sarabhai v/s Sarabhai

Who doesn’t miss Rosesh’s poems!?! We can watch the repeated episodes infinite number of times and still not find it monotonous, also laugh whole heartedly. We definitely want this to hit back our TV screens.

  1. Khichdi

Hansa and Praful have won our hearts in the long run and not to forget Babuji’s witty comments.

  1. Hum Saath Aath Hain

Ah! How much we’ve missed sitting with our family and laughing all along!

10. Office office

Another Pankaj Kapoor’s comedy show bringing up a new story each time. We miss the corruption that took place in the municipal office in 2001.


We really don’t mind cutting down on reality shows and adding such TV shows in those time slots. This hustle-bustle life needs a break, which is possible with the help of these epics!


– Meher Banga


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