10 Lies You Should Never Tell To Your GF / BF



A relationship is based upon trust, honesty and the kind of understandability two people have between them. A single lie can make that relation hollow and ruin your image in your partner’s view. Sometimes its okay to lie and sometimes it is necessary to lie but in any kind of situation there are some lies that you should never tell to your boyfriend or girlfriend.


1. If you have cheated your partner then its your obligation to confess it to your partner. Your partner loves you and have done many sacrifices for you, he/she has the right to the reason because you have cheated on him/her. If someone is lying about cheating to their partner,its one of the worst things one can do to another. Maybe cheating on your partner is not a big deal for you but for someone its betrayal, so you can’t just pretend that nothing happened. You should have enough respect for your partner to let him know what you did.


2. When you are upset with your partner, just say it. Don’t say “I am fine” when you are not. Especially girls- when you say that you are “okay” the whole world knows you mean exactly the opposite of it. Instead of playing some kiddish guessing games just confess whatever thing is bothering you. I know sometimes its really irritating when guys can’t understand that they have done a mistake….well- let’s face it, guys don’t think what they do or what they did. So its our job to make them realize instead of giving them hints because they can’t even join those points of hints too.

boyfriend girlfriend


3. Never hide your true feelings in front of your partner. If someone proposes to you and you are not sure about your feelings don’t say that you feel the same way for them just to not hurt their feelings. What if you never fall in love with him/her in future, what if he/she realizes that you lied, you’ll end up hurting him/her more than ever. Sometimes its better to ask for some more time to think before taking any decision.


4. Don’t lie about your likes or dislikes to your partner. There are many people who just lie bout their choices to impress their partner, but truly its not the way to impress someone. If a person likes you, let him/her you for what actually you are not what you are faking because one or another day they’ll know the truth. You can impress him/her by believing them, by showing the amount of trust you have in your partner. Don’t say that you don’t like beaches just because he/she doesn’t like.


5. If there is something that you are not ready to do in the relationship, just say – NO. There is no reason to do something which is making you uncomfortable to do. Your boyfriend have no right to force you or tag you with something, he is just dating you. If he wants to do something that you don’t want to do, don’t lie and say you are, because there is no reason to feel guilty in saying NO.


6. Having a past relationship is not a crime, most of the people do have. Its a small world and its not a surprise that someday somewhere you bump into your EX. Now, you are an adult and you moved on with your life so its okay that you talk to your EX but hiding or lying this from your present partner is not okay. People lie when they do something wrong, if you lie and hide about it then your partner will think that there is more than just talking between you and your EX.


7. Try to express your feelings to your partner. If you expect more than just casual dating then say it. Tell him/her about your expectations from this relationship, share your dreams, your ideas and also your planning about it. Don’t lie about your feelings just because you think your partner is not ready for it or he/she has some different plans.


8. Always share your personal health information with your partner if you think that your relation is going serious. Never lie to your partner if you have STD. If your partner is trusting you enough to be intimate with you then they deserve to know what they are getting into actually.


9. May be you and your partner are living two different kind of lives, and it is not unusual to know that you both have completely different friend circle. There can be some people in your partner’s group who doesn’t like you. If they are being mean to you then you need to talk to your partner about it, he/she will find a way to work things. You can’t expect him to choose between his friends and you, because they both are important in once life.


10. Don’t lie about your financials or your job status just not to lose your partner, if she actually loves and respects you, she’ll never leave your side. Making false statement about your job status will only be like misguiding her and when she’ll know the truth she may leave you not because you don’t have job but you don’t have guts to say the truth.


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