10 Magnificent Quotes Of ‘David Green’ To Instantly Motivate You


David Green is an American billionaire and the founder of Hobby Lobby, an American chain of arts and crafts stores.
In 2010, Green was listed as #136 on Forbes’ List of The 400 Richest Americans, with a net worth of $2.6 billion. His story is chronicled in the book, More Than a Hobby: How a $600 Startup Became America’s Home and Craft Superstore, (ISBN 978-0785208310), co-authored with Dean Merrill. Green claims to have built his business squarely on Biblical principles and attributes his success to his faith in God. He is often quoted that he “lives to spread the Word of God.” He lives in southwest Oklahoma City with his wife Barbara. His son, Mart Green, is the founder and CEO of Mardel Christian and Educational Supply and of Every Tribe Entertainment.

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Quotes of David Green :

1. “It’s a demographic game. Any country that borders on China is bound to do pretty well with their gambling industry.”

2. “Unfortunately, the fire and the potential financial obligation associated with rebuilding the plant forced us to re-examine the economic soundness of such a large capital investment.”

3. It was a very nice ceremony down in Annapolis, but this time of year we try to stay around here because you never know what will happen with the lambs. We had one new lamb when we left for Annapolis. By the time we got back, we had four more. That makes 105 lambs so far, and we’ll probably get up to about 160. Luckily, most of them arrive without any help from us.”

4. “It’s a very difficult thing for universities to deal with.”

5. “Doing what we do has real advantages and real challenges. But we can’t imagine not being involved with sheep.”

6. “I’ve definitely been more comfortable. I’ve still got a ways to go, but it’s getting better. This camp, it’s been a lot better.”

7. “It wasn’t any particular issue. It was more a sense that there was a lot of discussion about the Third World Transition Program, and we knew we would benefit from a more systematic look at the program.”

8. “It’s nice when people say they want to raise money for you.”

9. “It’s just ignorance. I don’t pay attention to it anymore.”




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