10 Magnificent Quotes On ‘Celebrations’ To Instantly Motivate You


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1. “The year you were born marks only your entry into the world. Other years where you prove your worth, they are the ones worth celebrating.” 

― Jarod Kintz, This Book Title is Invisible

2. “I don’t like to celebrate my birthday, because I don’t like taking credit for others’ work—in this case, my mom and dad. Or possibly my mom and the mailman.
― Jarod Kintz, This Book Has No Title 

3. “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” 
― Jimmy Buffett

4. “Anyone who’s just driven 90 yards against huge men trying to kill them has earned the right to do Jazz hands. ” 
― Craig Ferguson

5. “The Chinese used gunpowder to make fireworks for celebrations, and the white man came along and said, Holy shit, we can use this to kill people. What better way to celebrate than that?
― Jarod Kintz, Seriously delirious, but not at all serious

6. “Celebration is an act of impressing sadistic someone residing in you.” 
― Santosh Kalwar  

7. “How did they know that I was the one who saved them?”
“They don’t. You’re the third knight they’ve celebrated over since it happened.” 
― Gerald Morris, The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady

8.  “At the heart of the celebration, there are the poor. If [they] are excluded, it is not longer a celebration. […] A celebration must always be a festival of the poor.” 
― Jean Vanier, Community And Growth

9. “A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life.” 
― Amit Kalantri

10. “When your success hovers from one person to the other, it will definitely get to someone who will regard it as failure.” 
― Michael Bassey Johnson




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