10 Mental Tricks for a More Effective Workout



When it comes to exercise, we all have our own way of doing it!

We might spend months researching the latest bike or pair of sneakers, but if we don’t train and engage the mind correctly, our exercise can never reach its full potential.

Put simply, if we want our bodies to be fit, our minds must be, too.

Working out mindfully means we’re giving the exercise we work so hard on the attention it deserves, giving us the best results yet.

Try these 10 tips for improving mental balance:

1. Learn how to meditate- to sharpen your focus and relax your mind.

2. Understand your motivation: What do you really want to get out of your workout? Once this is clear, you’re much more likely to achieve your goals.

3. Set realistic, achievable goals: Identify the small steps and you’ll be on your way to a steady and successful journey.

4. Create a new habit: Same place, same time is crucial to forming a habit, so find a time in the day when you know you can make your workouts happen.

5. Use your imagination: Mentally rehearsing your exercise is proven to give quicker results and boost your confidence. Professional athletes have done this for decades — join them!

6. Think less, do more: Use mindfulness to retain your focus on the present moment. Let go of your passing thoughts and enjoy a more focused, productive workout.

7. Be flexible: Things don’t always go to plan, so when you miss a session or two, just accept it and get going again the very next day.

8. Have fun: Exercise is inherently fun; don’t push so hard you lose sight of this. Instead of your workout feeling like a chore, appreciate it as a time-out from a busy day.

9. Congratulate yourself: Feel good about completing your workout; it’ll make the mind calmer and more content — and you’ll be more likely to keep it up.

10. Integrate fitness in your life: Whether that’s cycling to work or playing more energetically with your children, look for opportunities to use your newfound fitness within your everyday life.

– Navmeen Khot


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