10 Mind-Blowing Life Management Lessons Nobody Can Teach You Except Sachin Tendulkar


sachin tendulkar


1) Whatever you achieve in life, it is all because of the efforts and hardwork put by people around you and you should be grateful to their sacrifices.

2) Your exam marks has nothing to do with your bright future. All you have to do is BELIEVE in your dreams and chase them.

3) Whenever you fail, never give up and face your difficulties with more hardwork and dedication.

4)Your action speaks louder than words. Show people what you can do instead of talking about your potentials.

5) Do not worry about results and put 100% in whatever you do. Keep improving your work constantly.

6) Be frank with what you are good at. If you are efficient at your work, then perform it and master it.

7)Deal with pressures and difficult situations patiently and calmly. Do not react to stressful situations but instead keep doing your part slowly in your way.

8) Your physical appearance doesn’t matter if you do the task given to you properly.

9) Practice, practice, practice and keep your eyes on your target always!

10) Nothing is impossible in life  and always deliver with passion.



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