10 Most Annoying Dialogues A Teacher Always Says In School


teacher dialogues

We are under the maternal care of our parents till we are three…and till this time we actually live a carefree life…because after this we step into the world of knowledge which is known as ‘School’. Now it a new world wherein there are so many people like us and one person in a room who takes care of all of us and this is no one but a ‘Teacher’. A teacher is assumed to be a women generally with a ruler and strict and generally considered a Ghost who is after our life all the time. But it is teacher who teaches us, guides us, and takes care of us…like our mother at home does for us.

Though a teacher does so much for us but sometimes she annoys us too isn’t it? We get annoyed when she punishes us, when she gives us homework and worse when she tells us to it five or ten times. But isn’t all this for our good somewhere? No we consider it as unnecessary drama of teacher. We get irritated when she talks good for us. We get even more annoyed when tells us not to do something as it is not good for us.

What is the worse of the things a teacher can annoy us with? It is nothing else but her same over and over repeated dialogues.


  1. If you are not interested you may leave the class/Get out of my class

This is the epic of all dialogues she says when you are not paying attention in the class or you are busy talking with friends (Smiles)


  1. Are you here to waste your Parents’ Money

Think when you might have not completed your homework…or you have not finished the assignment your teacher has given or you might have got little less marks…If you have been ever among this students then you might have surely heard the above dialogue.


  1. Tell me when you all finish talking

Can you remember the time when the teacher has entered the class and the whole class is busy talking and some are even yelling without even noticing the teacher is in the class? Then for sure you know the dialogue- Tell me when you all finish talking


  1. Why are you laughing? Come here and tell us we’ll also laugh

This is when you might be laughing thinking about an old joke or sometimes even like that.


  1. Do you think teachers are fools to teach you?

You aren’t listening…And she is going on teaching and she is tired telling you to stop talking…there it goes the rocket of her next dialogue (Laughs)


  1. Don’t try to act over smart with me?

The worst of all things that teachers can ever digest is when you tell they are wrong…It is for sure she will tell you…Don’t try to act over smart with me.


  1. Why do you come to school when you don’t have to study?

If you are among the student who constantly gets less marks and never does the home work and then you must be very familiar with above dialogue (winks)


  1. The previous batch was 100 times better than you

This is the most annoying of all dialogues and she might have even told the batch previous then yours the same thing (Grins)


  1. If you want to talk then you may get out of the class

If you are talking and talking and she gets irritated and there is another arrow of dialogue


  1. YES, Yes I am talking to you…Don’t look back

This is something which we all can surely recall when the teacher says yes, yes I am talking to you…Don’t look back…and everybody looks back to find out whom is exactly talking to.



I am sure these dialogues must have reminded you of your school days and surely brought a smile on your face.

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