10 Most Awesome Hilarious “Acche Din Aane wale Hai” Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For Facebook & WhatsApp


We had heard “Acche Din Aane Wale Hai” since the 2014 Elections season and with the railway fare, freight rate, petrol and diesel, sugar, LPG rates hike, is the government doing what it had promised? The All India Anti Corruption and Citizens Welfare Core Committee and its founder, advocate M V Holmagi had filed an PIL in the Bombay high court for alleging “criminal breach of trust” by the new government over the increase in the railway tickets and other commodities’ prices. Although the plea is rejected by the court, the new government is being blamed for not fulfilling its promise and breaking people’s trust. Should the common man be now given an opportunity to reconsider their vote?

Check out our amazing collection of 10 Most Awesome Hilarious “Acche Din Aane wale Hai” Trolls, Jokes, Memes, Pictures For Facebook & WhatsApp:

1) Modiji roz kahte he

Achhe din aane waale hain


Summer  vacations mein

Sabki bibiyan

Maayke jaane wali hain.

2)  Modi ji sirf acche din denge..

Acchi rato ka intezam khud karna hoga!

3) Aache din aa rahe hain

Today I saw a girl on scooty…

She gave left indicator and she actually turned left…


 M still in shock..

acche din acche din aa gaye acche din aayenge acche din jokes acche din kab aayenge acche-din-jokes-narendra-modi-1 acche-din-jokes-narendra-modi-2 Achhe-Din keep-calm-ache-din-aane-wale-hai keep-calm-and-say-ache-din-aane-wale-hai

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