10 Must-Share Images of Protests Against Rape


16th December 2012, World witnessed a shocking incident. In days to follow, entire nation came together not only to fight for justice for ‘Nirbhaya’, but also to change the mindset of people. A year down the lane, such horrific incidents still continue to happen and get reported by media. We don’t think it would be fair to say that ‘Nothing has changed, even after 16th December 2012’. But the question we still need to ask ourselves is, why did we let that incident happen at first place?

Nirbhaya! We are sure you are watching this from where-ever you are. You are in a better and safe place now! But we would continue our fight to make this world a better and a safer place!

Here are the 10 Must-Share Images of the World raging against Delhi gang-rape to seek Justice for Nirbhaya:

1 Demonstrator holds placards during a protest in New Delhi 3 4 5 6 7 8 INDIA-RAPE-PROTEST 10

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