10 Myths About Creativity You Need to Stop Believing NOW!



Creativity is  something which is encircled by myths. Myths that do not have scientific evidence. Most of us may perceive creativity as in-born, unpredictable and present only in few.  A new study based on the latest research– “The Myths of Creativity,” by David Burkus — helps demystify what’s behind the forces and processes that drive innovation. The research suggests that with proper training, anyone with a common-sense mindset grounded in reality can deliver creative and innovative new ideas, projects, processes, and programs.

Wrapping up yourself in these myths allows you to limit your thinking, which can prove to be very hazardous in the future. Here are the 10 myths you should stop believing in now itself.

 1- Eureka myth.


Many of you may think that creative ideas come out of nowhere and start believing that new ideas that seem to appear as a flash of insight are creative. No! you are not absolutely right. Research shows that insights are actually the culminating result of prior hard work on a problem. The thinking is then incorporated in the mind as we try to join the pieces together and come up with what  we call as “innovative/creative ideas”

2-Breed myth.

People tend to think that creativity is inherent in one’s genes or heritage. But in fact, it’s the opposite. There is no such thing as creative breed. If  a man is strong enough to withstand downfall and who works on the problems harder and with focus is likely to come up with creative solutions.

3-Originality myth.


There is also a myth about intellectual property that a creative idea belongs to the proprietary who thought of it. However, ideas that are shared and combined with older ideas can give rise to more innovative creation.

4-Expert myth.

Many a times we feel that experts  or trained professionals are the best choices for leveraging the flow of  creative ideas. Even if they are competent enough, harder problem are always a call for them. Though research says that particularly tough problems often require the perspective of outsider who is not limited by the knowledge of why something cannot be fixed.

5-Incentive myth.

People in the company feel that by providing incentives to employees will increase their creative and innovation productivity. Sometimes, it may hold true. However, it does more harm than good as people learn to play the game to their own benefit.

6-Lone Creator myth.

Anyone can come up with a creative or innovative idea. But what matters is the execution of the idea. Execution cannot be handled by a single person and therefore, a successful creative idea is always a team work and team effort.

7- Brainstorming myth.

Many people believing that brainstorming is one way to receive as many creative ideas as possible. Brainstorming and spontaneous group discussions can bring the best out of anyone of us. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that just throwing ideas around can lead to creative breakthroughs.

8-Cohesive myth.

People do believe that working with each other in a happy environment can foster innovation. Therefore, there are many peculiar companies that allow their employees to play football and enjoy free lunches together. However, most creative companies have found out ways to create dissent and dispute into their process in order to bring the best out of the employees and push them beyond their limits.

9-Constraints myth.

There is a notion believed-constraints hinder creativity. People believe that more creative ideas come from people who have “unlimited” resource which is absolutely false. It’s the other way round. Creativity loves constraints. Applying limitations can be instrumental for companies in bringing out the innovative and creative potential of people.

10-Mousetrap myth (Last but not the least)

People often believe that once they have come up with a new idea the work is finished. Perhaps, for the whole world to know your idea you have to step out of your door. People won’t  know until and unless you communicate and market it . We all know of at least one “better mousetrap” that is still hidden.


Better break free from these myths and in order to be creative and innovative don’t try to limit your thinking. Let the ideas come in with a flow..you may never know if you could be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Richard Brandson or just create a new genre with your name!

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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