10 Oustanding #CheatingCleanIndia Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. Unfortunate that Modi Sarkar’s #CleanIndia Campaign has become more of a #CheatIndia #CheatingCleanIndia
  2. Very soon the so called MPs will pour mineral water around Ganga and start purifying it for media attention. #CheatingCleanIndia
  3. KRK will leave Delhi If #ArvindKejriwal becomes the CM so Now Delhi has another reason to Vote For AAP #UTurnFirSe #CheatingCleanIndia
  4. Soon, people like Jaitley, Irani, Shiv Sena and other allies will end Modi Juggernaut #CheatingCleanIndia #ModiInKashi #ModiInVaranasi
  5. #CheatingCleanIndia you don’t want me to throw litter on roadsides. But where are the dustbins?
  6. Are not they polluting Ganga when they do arti with all their puja samagri?? #SwachhBharat #CheatingCleanIndia
  7. Had BJP given ticket & got elected competent people for 2014 LS, It would not have to bring CM Parikkar from GOA #CheatingCleanIndia
  8. #cleanindia is a worthy & non-partisan campaign. #CheatingCleanIndia is just minor bump on the road. Trick is to continue moving forward!
  9. Half of Indians are not getting to eat twice a day, but that’s not a NEWS! News is #Feku & His #CheatingCleanIndia!”
  10. While BJP is #CheatingCleanIndia, Clean Donations power #AAP’s #CleanPolitics




(P.S. The above tweets / status are taken from Twitter and it is posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the same)

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