10 Phenomenal Quotes Of ‘David Karp’ To Inspire Your Soul


David Karp is an American web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of the short-form blogging platform Tumblr. According to Forbes, Karp’s net worth exceeds $200 million, and Tumblr has been valued at $800 million. David Karp was born and raised in New York City, attending the Bronx High School Science before dropping out at age 15. An internship at Frederator Studios led to a gig leading product at UrbanBaby. When CNET acquired the company in 2005, Karp started his own development agency, Davidville. In 2007 his team launched Tumblr, now the home and platform for more than 100 million creators. As a top 15 US network, Tumblr serves an audience of more than 170 million people worldwide.

david karp


Quotes of David Karp :

1. Where I feel the most productive and engaged is when I’m buried in code, buried in some project, tweaking some designs. I’m certainly introverted. – David Karp

2. People tell me I need an assistant, but I don’t want one. – David Karp
3. I’m very antischedule. Except for board meetings, I don’t really schedule things or keep a calendar. I think appointments are caustic to creativity. – David Karp
4. I always carry my camera with me. – David Karp
5. I’ve found that if you’re not responsive to e-mail, it trains people to leave you alone. – David Karp

6. I never spent much time with people my own age. – David Karp

7. I want to build something I’d be happy to be employed by 10 years out. – David Karp

8. Reading for me will be a combination of books, magazines, Tumblr and just kind of the Web in general on the iPad. – David Karp

9. There are a lot of rich people in the world. There are very few people who have the privilege of getting to invent things that billions of people use. – David Karp

10. Today there are millions of people making stuff and putting it into the world: that’s become part of our identity and it shouldn’t be limited to people who fancy themselves writers, or who are particularly witty or talented. – David Karp


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