10 Really Cool Advantages Of Having A Rocking Mom


mommy rocks

Mom the word itself is so emotional while she is an ocean of emotions. From the womb we are connected to her and we can’t imagine life without her as more than us she knows what we want and where do we keep our things…The other day when I even thought for a second that what if she is not there and trust me I couldn’t stop my tears as she is there everywhere in the house…If anything happens to her the entire house will keep reminding us about her. As daughters and sons we are connected by our souls and so the thought of getting repeated from her is also hurting.

Wherein being a girl we have to go one day and if we remember someone the most is our Moms as the way she pampered us nobody else can ever do even if they treat you like daughters. We grow big we find our Mothers interfering and boring Isn’t it? Agreed we have moms who are bit narrow minded but there are moms who understand us and go with the time and they are called a s cool Moms

What do you think are the advantages of having a cool Mom…Let’s find out…

  1. Firstly she is cool with you to have a boyfriend as long as the guy loves you and you don’t do anything wrong
  2. She is okay with your late night parties as long as you are safe
  3. She understands your problems of breakups and heartbreaks and all other problems that we feel generally our parents don’t understand (She will be cool if you have a breakup as long as you are happy and you are not wrong )
  4. She is your friend more than your mom
  5. You can hangout and chill out with her
  6. She will guide you perfectly when you are in problem or when you need a solution
  7. She will join you to bitch about someone (winks)
  8. You can talk to her the way you talk to your friends without thinking
  9. She will always be interested in the latest trend and shopping (You will get money always for shopping winks )
  10. Your will never get bored with her ( As you can keep talking to her when you have nothing to do)


Though she is cool or not Moms are the best and if we try to understand why they say certain things then surely we all will agree our Mom’s are cool. So make an attempt guys!!

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