10 Reasons Why Being Single Is Much Better Than Being In Relationships



It has always been a fantasy of all teenagers to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. In India, being in a relationship before marriage is still a taboo (especially for girls). However, somehow everybody manages to have one now-a-days. Being in a relationship can be troublesome sometimes, so below are 10 reasons why being single is better.

  1. Life is tension free

Relationships are usually more stressful than being making-life-simple.

  1. Less Telephone Bills

Talking on the phone makes you feel closer to the person. But as singles, we don’t have any compulsion of being on the phone with any one all night. For sure, it reduces our bills.

  1. No lies to Say

It’s not that two people in a relationship don’t lie to each other. In fact, they have to lie to their parents and friends also a few times, just to spare themselves the horror.

  1. Talk to Everyone

Singles have no restrictions as to who to talk to. No one being over-possessive about them and deciding for them.

  1. Improve yourself

Now, singles have all the time in the world to improve themselves and start a new hobby may be. This isn’t possible when you’re busy thinking about your partner though.

  1. More Money in your Pocket

Isn’t that obvious? You can spend all your money for yourself without thinking about anyone else.

  1. Nightouts without Feeling Guilty

Girls and guys both, can have night outs and stayovers without feeling guilty orhaving to lie to their partner.

  1. Go on as many dates as you want, no one is there to stop you.
  2. Girls can eat without thinking about their increasing weight! Which is the only thing that every woman wants.
  3. Good moods

Very often, people in relationships have a bad mood and their frustration comes out on other people around them. In this matter, singles are always in a jolly mood and fun-loving.


– Meher Banga


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