10 Reasons Why Winter Is The Most Amazing Season Ever



Finally winters have arrived!!! It’s a sign of relief putting back the sweltering summers and welcoming a chilled atmosphere. Winter is the most awaited season of the year, soon after monsoon the presence of winter is felt when its cool and pleasant breeze gushes onto our face.  People are seen rubbing their hands against each other in glee. Some are already prepared with their blankets and woolen clothes to enjoy this beautiful season in a better way, nipping in the air and turning off their fans and ACs. Haters are gonna hate this season, but I must say winters are absolutely the best time of the year. 

  1. No sweat zone

Say goodbye to crazy sticky summer heat and droplets sweat drooping down your face. No more sweat stink and embarrassing sweat stains, Oh god how one needs to bear all of it in a public transport but gone are those days when winter is near. You can simply upon your favorite outfit, open up your hair and feel the weather, No more sweat worries.

  1. Cold cream pamper

The best time to pamper and moisturize your skin with your most liked cold cream and feel the softness your skin.

  1. Atmosphere is cool and breezy

Even though pollution is not gonna leave our back, yet when the wave of cold breeze touches your face the moment you step out of home,  feels like nothing could be better than this. It’s a mesmerizing feeling that words can’t define; you would prefer a walk rather than your vehicle.

  1. Cozy moments

It’s the time when you can’t stop yourself from getting cozy and naughty with your loved one, wanting to be locked in each other’s arms for a while to feel the warmth a feeling which a sweater can’t suffice.  It is truly a romantic season cuddling with the one you love.

  1. Under blanket

While it’s hard to wake up early morning, what makes it even harder is to get yourself out of your soft, fluffy and warming blankets cuddling inside it for hours doing all sort of things inside it. Makes you feel even lazier yet fun, as the same blessed feeling cannot be experienced in summers.

  1. Hot food gets tastier

A sip of hot tea or soup with a plate of hot samosas and pakodas with your family on a breeze evening in your balcony is simply appetizing during winters.  People also rush in the junk food joints to enjoy the warmth and aroma of these in the chilled weather.

  1. Bonfires

All may not do this, but if you’re out on an exotic vacation this is a must. Sitting together with friends and family gossiping, passing out snacks, sharing old stories, playing silly games and singing their voice out in the dark foggy weather simply fills with happiness.

  1. Woolen outfits

Winters could be incomplete without these, put on your woolen clothes and feel the presence of heat around you, look even more fashionable and look brighter and warmer.

  1. Fresh veggies

‘Sabziya’ we though most of us hate it but some health conscious people will prefer to have these over junk food. I personally love carrot found in this season because this is the time my friend prepares Gajar ka Halwa for me for which I wait almost a year, I can easily eat it anytime of the year but eating the sweet made by your own friend adds on to its sweetness. 

  1. Festive season

Most amazing festivals fall during winters like Christmas, New Year, kite flying, Valentine’s Day how lovely it feels to enjoy the festival in such a cool atmosphere. Also people prefer getting together in the bond of marriage in winters, it’s the wedding season.

Views differ from person to person but I truly love winters and it’s the best and forever will be the best season of the year.

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Daisy Pais


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