10 Reasons Why You Should Not Say I LOVE YOU So Soon




When you’re falling in love with someone, it’s hard to hold on to your emotions. It’s like a bunch of butterflies in your stomach pushing you to say those three magical words to the one you love. Although it is easy to fall in love, but the crazy thing is deciding when to say I love you after first few dates with them. You have already fallen in love or you feel you are and cannot stop your emotions from coming out and take up the next step.

Here are reasons why is it better to wait a little longer then just putting out your emotions as and when you feel like;

  1. Kills the feel: You will surely agree on this that the best parts of the relationships are the early or beginning days for both the partners. Looking at her, getting goose bumps, the excitement to meet up, the tender touch, talking to each other all of these will never come back again. Saying I love early will put an end to the all these beautiful feelings.
  2. Intense pressure: if you say I love you when the person was not ready for it, it could put them in intense pressure, till now you were just dating and suddenly you are in love and relationship. A person needs time to decide everything, like whom they want to see in their life.
  3. May be it could just be an infatuation: You cannot love anyone the moment you see them even if you like them, may it just be an infatuation or mere attraction towards the person. If you say I love you when you simply attracted to the person the emotion would not be real.
  4. May be they may not feel the same for you: if you love someone it’s not necessary that they may love you back. It’s important to know the feelings of the person first and then take the step or else it could lead to heartbreak.
  5. You might seem like an obsessive lover: If you may propose your date on the very first day or after few dates, it may seem like your possessive, obsessive or desperate and even immature kind of a person, who nothing more than a girl in his life. No girl wants a possessive or desperate person to love her.
  6. May feel stuck bad relation: if you say I love you and your date replies without genuinely feeling the same for you, they feel stuck or chocked up in a relationship.
  7. May not be sure: Along with love come expectations. Your date may not be sure whether you are the one right for them and may live up to the relationship.
  8. Reality differs: In order to love someone you need to know them inside out. Maybe the side they are portraying may not be the true one; they could be something else from within. You need to spend more time with your date to know them personally beyond just their likes.

There is nothing as you should say I love you sooner or later. Express your love to your date when you believe you’re truly in love, but make sure your date too is ready to hear it from you and replies back with the same intense emotions that you do. The best thing you could do is try and know each other at least for a month before you start a relationship, so that you’re well aware of all their likes, dislikes and behaviours. Dating someone with the intention of not loving them or seeing your future with them is simply the worst thing you could be, be with the person only if you love them if not put your step back as soon as possible.

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Daisy Pais


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