10 Sad #RameshJadhav Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


accused of ramesh jadhav

  1. and completely ignored by media. Showing news of mess created after diwali. Won’t you change?
  2. SS MPs forced feed a Roti to Muslim, all hell break but when 5 Muslim eve teasers kill a Shiv Sena leader there is no outcry
  3. Indian MSM still busy with maligning Modi because he spent Diwali in Siachen. Totally ignores & .So Obvious
  4. laid down his life to protect women & justice. Communalizing the issue would be an insult to that same humanity.
  5. Those who made it a point to highlight vandalism acts of Sainiks are silent on who stood up v/s women molesters.
  6. How can we expect anti-Hindu to outrage when Shiv Sena’s own mouthpiece ‘Saamana’ is silent on brutal murder of !
  7. . Timeline 141 Tweets on Roti On Roza 63 tweets on Pune techie murder Silence on Got my Point ??
  8. We convey our sincerest condolences to the family of . May they have the courage to go through this difficult period.
  9. since ISIS has entered Maharashtra under Burqa of MIM, rapes & beheadings wl increase..many wl b sacrificed in der own country
  10. Feel bad for family of . Losing him just before Diwali for doing the right thing – protecting the honour of a woman. Very tough.
  11. (Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various social media websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)

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