10 Shocking #WarzoneHisar Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. after seeing bhakt I can say Nirmal baba bhakt was far better
  2. Why is the government going soft on this bunch?
  3. Why can’t all the self styled GODMEN be packed off to the Ganga ghat and let them clean river Ganga..!!! How’s d idea
  4. For Ambani’s hospital, 15 tweets a day from but for Modi is mute and travelling across the world. Shame!
  5. Good governance, the Gujarat model way is now in Haryana. Police taking so long to just arrest a criminal(also called godman)
  6. a Goodman with an army !! How the hell is this overlooked by the government !!!
  7. Why politicians and policemen like Godmen and protect them??? What is the idea behind?
  8. Haryana police sets deadline for Rampal supporters till 10 am to evacuate Satlok Ashram
  9. supporters hav alleged 4 deaths in ; but No independent confirmation. Police is getting restless & frustrated.
  10. Yes. Khattarpanthi is right. RT : Is it right to call Rampal supporters “Khattar panthi”?
  11. Is a God-Man or Rat -man? Follow your respectable religion but not any personality.



(Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various other websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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