10 Significant Concepts In Management Everyone Should Know



Management is all about organizing, planning, controlling, and directing the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Making an organization successful requires, above all, clear thinking. There are dozens of management concepts out of which we have selected today 10 basic concept that will be helpful for management beginners to understand in easy and simple language. If you have missed out to check day 7 management concepts, you can read it here.

Here we present 10 Significant Concepts In Management Everyone Should Know:

  1. Foreman – person in charge of production (generally chosen on experience)
  2. Fructify – bear results
  3. Functional authority – authority restricted to particular function
  4. Gauges – measuring tools
  5. General management – management devoid of any specialization
  6. Globalization – thinking world as one and removing barriers within nations in free flow of business
  7. Goals – achievable targets (more useful for practical implementation)
  8. Greenfield – new, remaining fresh
  9. Groupware – software that can be used interactively by a group
  10. Guarantee – to serve goods sold for a fixed period

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