10 Spectacular Quotes Of ‘Craig McCaw’ To Give You The Spark Of Passion


Craig McCaw is a Seattle-area businessman and entrepreneur who achieved success as a pioneer in the cellular phone industry. He is the founder of McCaw Cellular and Clearwire Corporation. Craig O. McCaw was born in Centralia, Washington, the second of four sons of Marion and John Elroy McCaw. Over the course of his career, Craig’s father would buy and sell dozens of radio and television stations. He often incurred large debts in the process, but the family lived well.



Quotes of Craig McCaw :

1. I think the way I look at things gives me a different perspective. I’m most valuable when I work with a team of bright people who complement my weaknesses with their strengths.
Craig McCaw

2. I don’t give investment advice.
Craig McCaw

3. I don’t look at paying $8 billion for the directories business of Qwest as the thing that would really excite me… I’m looking at a connection to the human being where it’s interesting.
Craig McCaw

4. The past is past and I guess if you live in the past, you cease to live.
Craig McCaw

5. I believe we can and should have it all. Lower deficits but higher spending. More peace with a bigger military that goes off and kills terrorists and whatnot. A cleaner environment without forcing SUVs off the road.

6. It’s all about being flexible, and avoiding choices whenever possible. Choices suck, they are inherently limiting.

7. I decided earlier this year that I would run for president, and obviously I needed something to run on.

8. It’s evolve or die, really, you have to evolve, you have to move on otherwise it just becomes stagnant.

9. I think I come at things a whole different way from most people, and, you know, sometimes political answers are one way to solve the problem, and sometimes there are better ways to do it.

10. In the case of schools, or anything else, if you have something that is forcing you to do better than you did the day before, it makes you look forward and it makes you think in a way that’s going to make the product better, which is the students and the education.



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