10 Splendid Quotes Of ‘David Neeleman’ To Inspire Your Life


David G. Neeleman is a Brazilian-American entrepreneur who has founded three commercial airlines, Morris Air, JetBlue Airways and Azul Brazilian Airlines.  Mr. David Neeleman founded Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A in 2008 and serves as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Neeleman has been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Azul SA, the holding company of Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A since January 2008. He founded JetBlue Airways Corporation and served as Non-Executive Chairman from 2002 to May 15, 2008 and Chief Executive Officer from August 1998 to 2007.

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Quotes of David Neeleman :

1. I’m always crunching numbers, so my calculator watch is a must.

2. What you can’t buy is the loyalty that comes through our dedicated crewmembers.

3. Just keep thinking about the good side of ADD – the creativity and the originality it can stimulate.

4. We tried to set up a company that patterned ourselves after Southwest in all the fun, the spirit, the great people, the smile, the efficiency side of it, but we’ve added some extras that people aren’t used to finding on Southwest.

5. It’s so important to experience what your customers are experiencing and listen to their suggestions.

6. The Blackberry is really essential for keeping up on my emails when I’m out of the office, which is a lot.

7. We’re reviewing everything to see how we can do it better, faster, and more efficiently.

8. And you’ve got to remember that I’m also the father of nine children.

9. And, of course, customers really need to feel safe and are seeking reassurance when they fly.

10. I actually thrive on all the challenges, and I don’t feel like ADD has impaired my ability.


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