10 Strange Facts About ‘Robin Williams’ You Might Not Know


Robin Williams (11) (480x640)


1) Robin McLaurin Williams was born on 21st July 1951 and died on 11 August 2014.

Robin Williams (9) (550x414)

2) Robin Williams was an American actor and comedian in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Robin Williams (8) (640x427)

3) Robin Williams debuted in 1980 in the movie Popeye. His hit films included : The World According to Garp, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, Awakenings, The Fisher King, Aladdin etc.

Robin Williams (7) (640x640)

4) Robin Williams won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Good Will Hunting. 

Robin Williams (6) (640x490)

5) In his career in acting, he had received 6 Golden Globe Awards, 2 Emmy Awards, 2 Screen Actors Guild Awards, 5 Grammy Awards.

Robin Williams (5) (640x640)

6) During 1980s, Robin Williams was addicted to cocaine but due to sudden death of his close friend and birth of his son Zak made him quit alcohol and drugs.

Robin Williams (4) (640x640)

7) In 2003 again, Robin Williams started drinking alcohol till 2006.

Robin Williams (3) (640x640)

8) In 2010, Robin Williams started to use cocaine and was hospitalized due to heart problems.

Robin Williams (2) (640x640)

9) In mid-2014, Robin Williams got admitted himself into Hazelden Foundation Addiction Treatment Center in Lindstrom, Minnesota for alcoholic treatment.

Robin Williams (1) (640x640)

10) Robin Williams committed suicide on 11 August 2014 due to severe depression and was diagnosed with early stage Parkinson’s disease.


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